Floreat Semper
https://www.kingscollege.school.nz/our-community/floreat-semperMay we always flourish!
The Floreat Semper Fellowship provides opportunities for connection and contribution to our Old Collegians, former staff members, King’s College parents and other members of our valued community including spouses, partners and widows who are 70 years of age or older.International Students
https://www.kingscollege.school.nz/admissions/international-studentsOur international students bring richness and diversity to the King’s community. It’s a pleasure to be able to say “nau mai” to young people from all over the world; to help them to reach their academic potential and develop their sporting, music and cultural interests.Digital Requirements
https://www.kingscollege.school.nz/parent-resources/digital-requirementsAt King’s College we use educational technologies and our e-learning programme to transform the learning experience by making it more student-centred, more dynamic, and more accessible.Meet Our Sponsors
https://www.kingscollege.school.nz/our-community/our-sponsorsKing’s College has long-standing relationships with some special corporate sponsors, each one providing generous support in a specific area of our programming. These special companies make it possible for us to provide the best possible education and extra-curriculars to our students, and we are very grateful to them.Houses at King's College
https://www.kingscollege.school.nz/life-at-kings/our-house-systemThe House system ensures that every King’s student has a place to belong. For both boarding and day students, Houses provide a supportive network that is a key part of our pastoral care kaupapa.A Message From our Headmaster
https://www.kingscollege.school.nz/about-kings/headmasters-welcomeStudents who graduate from King’s College have the greatest potential to be successful in life. They look back on their time at King’s with great fondness and treasure the opportunities the College has given them. King’s College is renowned for providing outstanding educational opportunities for young men and women.Become a Friends Volunteer
https://www.kingscollege.school.nz/parent-resources/friends/volunteerInterested in volunteering to support the school?Music Showcase & Prizegiving
https://www.kingscollege.school.nz/parent-resources/events/music-showcaseThursday 05 September 2024
We are delighted to invite our entire King's College community to join us in celebrating our Music Showcase!
This event will highlight our award-winning orchestral groups, choirs, including the Symphony Orchestra, the Chamber Choir, and special performances. When: Thursday 5 September
Time:7pm – 9.Sports Draw
https://www.kingscollege.school.nz/parent-resources/sports-drawOur weekly sports draw provides the times and locations for each match in the coming week.