To be a King’s student is to be part of something special, during school years and beyond.
We have worked hard to create an enduring network of support for our current students and Old Collegians so that the opportunities the College provides last longer than the time spent on campus. Socially and professionally, the King’s community is a rich resource. It comes in many forms; in groups both formal and informal that help students and ex-students to thrive in all they do.
Parents, students, former students, sponsors, and others are integral to the wider King’s community. Our heritage and tradition consists not simply of old buildings but of the bonds that tie us together throughout many generations. Whilst we celebrate individuality, we know that we move further when we move together.
Ehara taku toa i te toa takitahi, engari kē he toa takitini.
My success should not be bestowed onto me alone, it was not individual success but the success of a collective.
These are the groups that make up our hapori, our community.