Rugby is a tradition here at King’s, and the Rugby Supporters Club helps us to ensure our rugby programme is world-class.
The Club is made up of Old Collegians, parents, former players and past parents and guardians, businesses, and loyal King’s rugby fans. Its goal is to enhance and support junior rugby and cement the College’s place as one of the top rugby schools in Aotearoa.
Both single (one adult) and double (2 adult) memberships are available at $250 and $450 annually, respectively – as well as family memberships available on request. King's Rugby supporters are entitled to the following benefits:
- VIP access to the Pavilion during First XV home games.
- An invitation to three First XV pre-match morning tea functions.
- End-of-season drinks after the final game of the season.
- A King’s College supporters scarf.
- Regular communications throughout the King's Rugby season.
- An invitation to the 2026 start of season launch.
Please email for more information about the Rugby Supporters Club and to enquire about membership.