Health Centre - Te Puna Whaiora
https://www.kingscollege.school.nz/parent-resources/student-services/health-centreTe Puna Whaiora, our Health Centre, located between School House and Greenbank House, offers a 24-hour, 7-day a week service for boarding students and the care of day students during College hours. Te Puna Whaiora, our Health Centre is an integral part of our comprehensive pastoral care service.Important Information for Boarders
https://www.kingscollege.school.nz/life-at-kings/boarding-life/information-for-boardersBoarding staff
Each boarding House has a team of people working together to make the boarding experience safe and enjoyable. These are the key people that boarders will encounter:
Housemaster: The person responsible for the pastoral care and academic progress of all students in the House.