Semper ad Optima: to always strive for the best.

Greenbank House Shield
Founded in 1997, Greenbank is the youngest of all the boy's houses. It was named after Geoffrey Noel Townshend Greenbank, who was the longest serving Headmaster the College has had.
The House motto is a call to pursue excellence. It motivates, challenges, and inspires the boys to always step up and never settle for mediocrity. Greenbank celebrates diversity while fostering unity.
During Greenbank’s time as Headmaster (1947 to 1973), he added to the College’s reputation as one of the most respected private schools in New Zealand. His name lives on not only through the House but also the Greenbank Sports Centre and The Greenbank Award.
Since its creation with Paul Watts as the inaugural Housemaster, Greenbank has grown into one of the most tight-knit and successful houses in the College.
The Greenbank logo
John Taylor chose the grey colour for Greenbank, but the black trim was added to give it some distinction from everyday grey school shirts.
The mythical Griffin, with the head, talons and wings of an eagle and the body of a lion, symbolises the king of the beasts united with the lord of the birds.
The red colour of the Griffin acknowledges Geoff Greenbank’s nine-year term as Housemaster of School House.
The Griffin is an ideal symbol for the House as it epitomises Geoffrey Greenbank’s strong ideals, high standards, and indomitable spirit.
Housemaster: David Norris (