The Friends welcome inquiries from any parents interested in becoming more involved with the school.
Answers to some of the most common queries are below, but please don't hesitate to contact us should you wish to know more.
The Friends FAQs
What is the purpose of The Friends Association?
The Friends’ aim is twofold; firstly to raise money for the benefit of student activities at the College, and secondly but just as importantly, to provide a social platform for all parents to engage and form friendships.
How do I join The Friends Association?
All parents are automatically members of The Friends Association; the small per family annual subscription is a compulsory part of school fees.
How can I become involved with The Friends?
We are always looking for volunteers to help with a wide range of duties. If you want to get involved please register your interest.
What sort of activities can I volunteer for?
Currently we have volunteers helping with: the Library, Tuck Shop, Sports Café, Exam Reader/Writers, Art Sale, House Music, Ladies Lunch, the Golf Day, Headmaster’s Garden Party, and Second Hand Uniform sales.
We gratefully accept all volunteers – for as little or as much help as they can offer. To volunteer your time please click here
How do I make a suggestion for helping out at the College?
We gratefully accept new ideas and initiatives. If you have a suggestion please email our President Anne Wight at
What does The Friends' Executive Committee do?
The Friends Executive Committee consists of a group of volunteer current parents plus key King's College representatives. We meet regularly to oversee the delivery of The Friends annual events calendar, as well as manage funding requests and applications.
How do I join The Friends Executive Committee?
We welcome enquiries from any current parents interested in joining the Executive Committee. You can see the current committee here