15 May 2024

Wednesday 15 May 2024

The Boys First XI Football have beaten Auckland Grammar at home in round two of their A1 competition.

Boys First XI Football vs Auckland Grammar 

In a thrilling showdown on the football pitch yesterday afternoon, our King's First XI Football team secured a monumental victory against Grammar with a final score of 2-0. The match was a testament to resilience, strategy and the determination of our young athletes. Despite a tense and competitive first half, King's emerged victorious in the end, marking a historic moment.

The match kicked off with both teams displaying impressive skill and determination. The first half was marked by intense competition, with neither side giving an inch. King's demonstrated exceptional defensive prowess, with players such as Ben Lawson (Year 12, Greenbank), Angus Birchenough (Year 11, Marsden) and Issac Stedder (Year 10, Parnell) having their best games of the season, putting their bodies on the line to restrict Grammar's advances. As the halftime whistle blew, the scores remained deadlocked at 0-0.

King's entered the second half prepared to outperform and outwork their opponents. The team remained tenacious and focused, resisting Grammar's attacks with determination. Coach Ben Hill made strategic substitutions, injecting fresh energy into the lineup and shifting the momentum in King's favour.

As the match progressed, King's seized control of the game and created some goal-scoring opportunities. Team Captain Jack Hernon (Year 13, Selwyn) broke the deadlock, scoring early in the second half to give King's a 1-0 lead. With seconds to go in the game, a thoughball to Dylan Naicker (Year 11, Parnell) - his first season with the First XI - converted past the Grammar keeper to seal King's the victory. Alex Bhatnagar (Year 12, Marsden) in goal made some tremendous saves, securing a clean-sheet which was critical to the win. The eruption of cheers from the sidelines as the final whistle blew echoed the enthuasiam felt by players and supporters as King's celebrated a hard-earned win.

Final score: King's 2 - 0 Auckland Grammar


King's makes history

Today's victory was achieved by one of the youngest First XI sides in recent memory. With a majority of Year 10 and Year 11 students comprising the lineup and subs, King's showcased the talent and potential of our younger players. Additionally, King's hadn't beaten Auckland Grammar in football since 2019 - a huge accomplishment. 

Throughout the match, the support of King's staff and the boarding community was critical toward the motivation of our team. The presence of a large number of staff and students, particularly during the crucial moments of the game, did not go unnoticed. the First XI extends gratitude to all supporters for their encouragement and enthusiasm, which played a significant role in securing today's historic victory.

Virtus Pollet.