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The Uniform Shop is located in the Greenbank Room (above the Greenbank Gymnasium) and is proudly supported by The Friends. 

The Uniform Shop is open during Term 2 from Monday to Friday from 8:30am to 4pm until Friday 5 July 2024. We will be closed for the first two weeks of the Term 2 holidays. 

We will reopen on Monday 22 July to Friday 26 July from 9am - 4pm and will be back to normal operating hours the week after for the start of Term 3. 

Visit the online uniform shop here

Bookings are available for the Winter Uniform.  Please click on the link below to make an appointment.

Click here to book an appointment for a uniform fitting

New uniforms, good quality second-hand uniforms, stationery, printing top ups and toiletries are available for purchase from the Uniform Shop.

Custom blazer orders are available and the timeframe for blazer orders is four months. Please contact the Uniform Shop if you would like to enquire about this or need any more information.

For enquiries please email uniformshop@kingscollege.school.nz or telephone 09 276 0698.

Orders will be collated and be available for collection from the Uniform Shop by students.